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Daily Life

student with a flute in music class
  1. School life

News from the School

Afternoon Programmes

As an all-day school, we enable children to learn and grow by expanding their horizons outside of the classroom. When formal lessons have ended, our afternoon activities encourage children to explore their world and learn in a more hands-on environment.

Our Project Classes give children the chance to develop their hobbies and interests, or to hone their academic skills, while our Afternoon Rooms allow children to learn freely through structured play and activities.

Afternoon Rooms

Our afternoon rooms are split into groups to provide an appropriate age-level working environment. Our Early Years Group and Year 1, Years 2 to 5, and Years 6 and 7 have their respective areas of activities and leisure in school.

The programmes for the afternoon activities include special projects, crafting, organized offers, and playtime. The activities are prepared by our professional educators.

Secondary Afternoon Room

During the afternoon, the students of our Middle School have the choice to take a project, stay in the Secondary Afternoon Room or use the time for studying and homework.

young student looking at the teacher

School Uniform

At CJD International School, we have uniforms to promote a sense of belonging, unity and school pride, as well as to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment.

Pieces of the uniform

Our school uniform consists of lots of pieces with the CJD International School logo on the front side. All visible clothing pieces must be part of the official uniform, with the only exception being jeans. All jeans must be navy (dark blue) or black in colour and are not permitted to have any fading, light patches, discolouration, adornments or logos visible on them.

Our Primary students wear colourful shirts, and older students are expected to wear white school uniform shirts. Don't forget some warmer pieces for the cold days!

You can order our school uniform here.

group of students place their hands in a circle on top of each other's hands

International Exchanges

Since 2013 our Year 8 has a regular exchange programme with a school in Badalona (Barcelona), Spain.

The Spanish students visit the CJD International School Braunschweig – Wolfsburg for a week, where our Year 8s and their guest students share some outdoor and school activities. In the evenings and on the weekend the students spend time with their host families.

In the month of May the same experience takes place in the nice town on the Catalan coast, situated a few kilometres from Barcelona city centre.

It is a wonderful chance to practise and improve language skills and to better get to know a new culture.



a look inside the library

School library

The library supports the curriculum at all grade levels and provides opportunities for students to pursue their interests in learning, studying and reading.
Students may request specific information or ask for assistance with searches or bibliographic information to help them in their research.
All the students from the Reception Class, Year 1, and Year 3 visit the library on a regular basis for reading time and to check out books once a week during normal lessons. Primary and secondary students can also use the library during the breaks between blocks and during study time. Senior students are welcome to use the library as a place to study and read when they are not scheduled elsewhere.

Parents are welcome to visit the library with their children for quiet reading and for book selection.