
We are happy to answer your questions.

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
The PTA is the communication platform for school representatives, parents and parents’ representatives. The PTA serves the school community and offers a perfect way to get involved and make a difference.
The PTA meets every Friday next to the school kitchen at 8 a.m.
The meetings are a relaxed and informal place to connect with other parents, help the school raise funds, build a sense of involvement, and get advice from expats and locals to make it that little bit easier for you to settle into your new city and school.
If you have children enrolled at the school, you are automatically a member of the PTA. There’s no obligation to attend every week, but it is a great chance for a coffee and a catch-up with friendly and welcoming faces.

Booster Club (Förderverein)
The Booster Club is a non-profit volunteer organisation comprising parents and others who are dedicated to supporting the educational endeavours of CJD Braunschweig and our International School. The Booster Club’s mission is to improve the lives and experiences of the students in the various CJD Braunschweig schools. The Booster Club aims to reduce the financial disadvantages of students, as well as realise larger projects that are beneficial to all.

Advisory Board
The duty of the advisory board is to promote and popularise the International
School Braunschweig – Wolfsburg in the region of Braunschweig and the surrounding area.
The members of the advisory boards are representatives from different institutions such as:
- The mayor of the City of Braunschweig
- Representatives of businesses
- The Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Parents
- Technische Universität Carolo Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig
- International Associations and
- The executive team of the CJD Braunschweig.